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Allegro enters the Hungarian market

Allegro enters the Hungarian market: A new opportunity for e-commerce sellers

Date09 Sep 2024

Allegro, the largest e-commerce platform in Poland, will soon expand its operations to Hungary. This expansion is part of the company’s international growth strategy and opens up new opportunities for sellers looking to reach international customers. Later this year, Allegro will officially debut in the Hungarian market, offering sellers tools for convenient and effective sales in another foreign market.

New opportunities for international sales

Allegro’s entry into Hungary is a natural continuation of the platform’s development in international markets, following the launch of services dedicated to the Czech and Slovak markets. For e-commerce sellers, this is another chance to expand their business and reach a new group of customers, estimated at around 10 million consumers. This significantly broadens the potential market, especially when combined with existing access to buyers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, totaling over 25 million consumers in the region.

Allegro will allow sellers to access the Hungarian market without the need to create new accounts or separate listings. The “list once – sell everywhere” principle will still apply, meaning that offers listed on will automatically be available in the Hungarian market as well. This ensures that the sales management process remains as simple and intuitive as before.

How to prepare for sales in Hungary?

Sellers who want to start selling in Hungary quickly and efficiently can begin preparing their listings now. A key step is to update shipping methods to include options for Hungary. For those already using the Allegro Kurier DPD service in the Czech and Slovak markets, this option will be automatically extended to Hungary. This means that eligible offers will be visible on the Hungarian platform from day one.

It is also worth adapting your offers to the specifics of the local market. In Hungary, door-to-door courier deliveries are particularly popular, so providing this option may increase the attractiveness of your offer. Additionally, Allegro will introduce the possibility of payments in forints and support for withdrawals to local bank accounts, making financial management easier.

Why enter the Hungarian market?

The Hungarian market is a rapidly growing e-commerce segment, where the popularity of online shopping is on the rise, especially on international platforms. According to research, about 35% of Hungarian consumers regularly shop on international e-commerce sites. By tailoring its offer to local needs – such as payments in forints, local delivery methods, and a website in Hungarian – Allegro provides sellers with a competitive advantage and an easy way to reach a new customer base.

The introduction of Allegro in Hungary is another step in strengthening the platform’s position on the international stage. Sellers who choose to take advantage of this opportunity can expect Allegro’s support in managing sales in the new market and in increasing their presence in the Central and Eastern European region.

Advantages of selling on Allegro

For e-commerce sellers, Allegro offers many benefits that make the platform particularly attractive. One of the biggest advantages is Allegro’s immense popularity, both in Poland and among international customers. The platform attracts millions of buyers, allowing sellers to reach a broad base of potential buyers and significantly increase their chances of success.

Allegro also offers an extensive set of marketing tools, such as promoted offers and loyalty programs, which help increase product visibility and build customer trust. Additionally, the platform’s user-friendly interface makes sales management quick and intuitive. The intuitive interface and technical support available to users allow both experienced sellers and newcomers to effectively utilize Allegro’s opportunities.

Another advantage is the rating and review system, which enables sellers to build credibility and reputation in the eyes of buyers. Positive customer reviews can lead to an increase in transactions and returning customers, which in the long-term builds loyalty to the seller.

Allegro is also an ideal solution for sellers thinking about international expansion. With the development of operations in the Czech, Slovak, and now Hungarian markets, the platform offers sellers a convenient way to expand into new markets without the need to manage multiple accounts or create separate offers.

What’s next?

Allegro does not intend to stop there. Future steps related to international expansion are planned, meaning that e-commerce sellers will have more opportunities to grow their business beyond Poland’s borders. For companies already operating on the platform, this is an excellent chance to increase the reach of their offers and enter new markets.


In summary, Allegro’s entry into the Hungarian market represents a significant opportunity for e-commerce sellers to expand their reach and reach new customers. Expanding operations to another international market opens the door to around 10 million new consumers while simplifying sales processes through Allegro’s well-known tools.

The sellers planning to expand their business into new markets, such as Hungary, can count on the support of amavat®. Our tool revolutionizes the way marketplace data is managed, offering direct integrations with the largest e-commerce platforms. By automating processes, amavat® enables quick and error-free data retrieval, leading to simplified accounting and time savings. With our help, you can focus on growing your e-commerce, while we handle the technical aspects of data management and accounting: Contact us.

Iga Turniak

Junior Process Management & QM Specialist at getsix®, Marketing Assistant at getsix® and amavat®. With the company since March 2022. Interested in SEO, content marketing, and the e-commerce industry.

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