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Outsourcing accounting services in the e-commerce industry: Saving time and money

Outsourcing accounting services in the e-commerce industry: Saving time and money

Date15 Jul 2024

Outsourcing accounting has become an essential support for an increasing number of entrepreneurs in the e-commerce industry, offering not only facilitation in daily business management but also strategic benefits that support its growth. By opting for external accounting services, business owners can save both time and financial resources that would otherwise be spent on managing complex accounting processes. It is worth considering what specific advantages outsourcing accounting for e-commerce brings and what opportunities it creates for companies in this dynamically developing field. In this article, we will discuss, among other things, the specific benefits of outsourcing accounting services to specialized firms and the modern technologies that can be utilized to optimize financial processes.

What is accounting outsourcing?

Accounting outsourcing is a strategy that involves delegating accounting processes to external companies specializing in accounting services. In the context of e-commerce, entrepreneurs increasingly choose this form of support to focus on the core aspects of running their business, such as sales growth and customer relationship building. Outsourcing services cover a wide range of activities, from managing tax records and generating financial reports to handling receivables. A key advantage of outsourcing is the ability to leverage advanced technologies and the expertise of specialists, resulting in efficient and accurate bookkeeping and compliance with current regulations. Accounting outsourcing not only reduces operational costs associated with maintaining an internal accounting department but also provides flexibility and scalability of services, adapting to the evolving needs of an e-commerce business.

Benefits of accounting outsourcing

Outsourcing accounting in the e-commerce sector offers numerous significant benefits that can substantially impact a company’s efficiency and growth:

  • Time savings: Delegating complex accounting processes to specialized firms allows entrepreneurs to focus on critical operational and strategic aspects. The automation of accounting processes and access to modern reporting systems enable real-time access to financial data, which is crucial for quick decision-making and adapting to changing market conditions.
  • Financial savings: Outsourcing accounting reduces the operational costs of maintaining an internal accounting department. It also minimizes the risk of accounting errors and tax non-compliance, leading to more effective financial management and avoiding penalties and tax sanctions.
  • Professional service and expert knowledge: Utilizing the services of specialized accounting firms guarantees a professional approach and access to expert knowledge. Accounting firms monitor changes in tax and accounting regulations, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring compliance with current laws.
  • Focus on core business activities: Through accounting outsourcing, entrepreneurs can concentrate on critical business development areas, such as marketing strategies, product development, or customer service, contributing to increased competitiveness in the e-commerce market.
  • Knowledge of the e-commerce industry: Outsourcing accounting to companies specializing in e-commerce services brings additional benefits due to their deep understanding of the industry’s specifics. These companies are well-versed in issues typical of e-commerce, such as matching sales transactions with payments, handling deferred payments, or processing through payment gateways. As a result, they can ensure effective and efficient management of financial processes specific to online sales.
  • Handling large volumes of data: Outsourcing companies specializing in e-commerce accounting are equipped to handle large amounts of transactional data, often reaching tens or hundreds of thousands per month. They have tools and technologies that enable the automation of expense invoice collection and the efficient and error-free processing of large volumes of data. Consequently, business owners do not have to worry about errors from manual data processing and can rely on fast and accurate financial reporting.

Thus, accounting outsourcing becomes not only a tool for cost and time optimization but also essential support in building financial stability and dynamic growth for e-commerce businesses.

Technologies in accounting outsourcing

Accounting outsourcing in the e-commerce industry is inherently linked to the use of modern technologies that significantly streamline and automate accounting processes. Companies providing accounting services for online stores use advanced tools that not only simplify daily financial management but also improve the operational and strategic efficiency of the business.

  • Process automation: A key technological element in accounting outsourcing is the automation of accounting processes. Advanced accounting software integrates with e-commerce platforms, enabling automatic transaction recording and financial report generation. This provides entrepreneurs with real-time insights into their financial status, allowing them to respond quickly to changing market conditions.
  • Real-time data analysis: Modern accounting systems allow for the generation of reports and data analysis in real-time. This facilitates the quick identification of trends, monitoring of key financial indicators, and making strategic business decisions based on current information.
  • Data security: Companies providing accounting outsourcing employ advanced data protection systems, ensuring the security of financial information storage and processing. Companies providing accounting outsourcing use advanced data protection systems to ensure the security of storing and processing financial information. Compliance with data protection regulations (such as GDPR) and regular security audits are standard practices, guaranteeing clients full protection of their confidential data.
  • Integration with partner systems: For e-commerce businesses, it is crucial to ensure the integration of accounting systems with other partner platforms, such as inventory management systems or online payment programs. This enables effective inventory management, optimization of logistic processes, and quick adaptation to market needs.

Technologies in accounting outsourcing not only enhance the efficiency and accuracy of accounting processes but also allow e-commerce entrepreneurs to focus on the strategic development of their business. The use of advanced technological tools thus becomes a key element of competitiveness and success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.

Flexibility of outsourcing services

Accounting outsourcing for e-commerce businesses provides great flexibility in adapting the range of services to the changing needs and growth of the business. Companies offering these services can adjust their operations according to the stage of development of the online store and the specifics of the industry. For instance, in the initial phase of e-commerce activity, an entrepreneur may require basic accounting services, such as maintaining tax records. As the store grows and revenues increase, the outsourcing firm can expand its services to include more advanced financial reporting, data analysis, or tax optimization consulting. The flexibility of outsourcing services allows entrepreneurs to focus on the critical aspects of business growth, with the assurance that accounting management is tailored to their current needs and requirements.

Choosing an outsourcing firm

Choosing the right partner for accounting outsourcing for an online store is crucial for the success of an e-commerce business. There are several key factors an entrepreneur should consider when making this decision:

  • Experience and specialization: It is important that the outsourcing firm has experience in serving e-commerce businesses and a good understanding of the industry’s specifics. Specialists with the appropriate experience will better understand the needs of an online store and can propose more effective accounting solutions.

    Our team consists of experts with years of experience in the e-commerce sector, making us the ideal partner for your online store. We select specialists focusing on their knowledge and practice in electronic commerce, allowing us to effectively support the growth and expansion of online businesses. We understand the unique challenges e-commerce companies face at various stages of their development, from startups to established enterprises. Our extensive experience allows us to advise on optimizing accounting and financial processes, translating into tangible benefits for our clients. The growth and success of your business are our priority, as we believe your success is also ours.

  • Technologies and tools: Entrepreneurs should check what technologies and tools the outsourcing firm uses. It is important that the accounting software is modern, integrated with the e-commerce platform, and provides real-time access to key financial data.

    We understand that visionary e-commerce businesses need the support of equally modern accounting and tax tools. That’s why we engage in creating innovative solutions that not only reflect the dynamic nature of the online market but also provide effective and modern tools for managing finances and taxes: What sets us apart – amavat®.

  • References and reviews: Before making a decision, it is worth checking the references and reviews of other clients who have used the outsourcing firm’s services. Positive reviews confirming the quality of the services provided and a professional approach are significant deciding factors.
  • Our clients regularly highlight the comprehensive accounting service we offer at amavat®. They also appreciate that each of them is assigned a personal advisor and has quick and effective contact with our firm, which is especially important in the dynamic e-commerce sector. This makes cooperation with amavat® stand out in the market. Want to read more about our clients’ opinions? Click here to read their full reviews.

A thorough selection process for an outsourcing firm allows e-commerce entrepreneurs to find a partner who not only meets their current needs but also supports the development and long-term success of their online business.

Comprehensive accounting services for e-commerce businesses in Poland – amavat®

As amavat®, we specialize in comprehensive accounting services for e-commerce businesses in Poland. We understand the unique challenges online stores face, which is why we offer full support in managing financial accounting and payroll accounting. Our services include maintaining accounting books with current recording and analysis of accounting documents, tax and VAT settlements in compliance with Polish law, and accounting consulting. We also handle month-end closings and the preparation of monthly tax declarations and statistical reports. Our team of experienced specialists represents your company before the relevant tax authorities and provides ongoing advice, allowing seamless operation and growth of your online business. Contact us to learn how amavat® can take the burden of accounting off your shoulders, enabling you to focus fully on developing your business.


Outsourcing accounting in the e-commerce industry is a key tool for optimizing time and cost management for entrepreneurs. Delegating complex accounting processes to specialized firms allows business owners to focus on strategic aspects of business development, such as sales growth and customer relationship building. Benefits also include access to advanced technologies and expert knowledge, supporting efficient financial management and compliance with regulations. Discussing these aspects highlights how outsourcing supports the stability and dynamic growth of e-commerce businesses in a competitive market environment.

Iga Turniak

Junior Process Management & QM Specialist at getsix®, Marketing Assistant at getsix® and amavat®. With the company since March 2022. Interested in SEO, content marketing, and the e-commerce industry.

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