Terms of Service for amavat® Information Service

Definition of Terms:

The terms used in these terms of service mean:

  1. Service provider or amavat® - refers to amavat® Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Zwycięska 45, 53-033 Wrocław
  2. Service recipient - means a natural person of legal age, a legal entity or an organizational unit without legal personality that uses the amavat® Information Service electronically.

1) Types and scope of services provided electronically

  1. The amavat® Information Service consists of sending newsletters (information bulletins) via e-mail by amavat® (hereinafter also "We") to service recipients who have previously agreed to receive them.
  2. The amavat® Information Service is free of charge.
  3. Every newsletter and these terms of use constitute a work within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights and is not a distributed work within the meaning of this Act,
    • amavat® Information Serviceletters may contain non-commercial information for example, it can be current legal information and can also contain commercial information i.e. promoting the services or image of the service provider.

2) Conditions for the provision of services by electronic means, including:

  1. The technical requirements necessary to cooperate with the information and communication system used by the service provider

    1. To use the amavat® Information Service, the following is required:
      • A terminal device (e.g., PC, laptop, tablet, phone, smartphone, smart TV), and
      • The service recipient's access to the Internet, and
      • An e-mail address (electronic address).
  2. Prohibition of the transmission of illegal content by the service recipient

    1. In order to comply with the legal obligation, amavat® informs that, the service recipient is prohibited from transmitting illegal content to us during communication with us, including via the registration form and e-mail.

3) Conditions for the conclusion and termination of agreements on the electronic provision of services

  1. The amavat® Information Service can be used by any interested person who:
    • Meets the technical requirements specified in these terms of service,
    • Provides their e-mail address to which the newsletter is to be sent, and
    • Expresses consent to receive amavat® Information Serviceletters (subscribes to the newsletter).
  2. We will send an e-mail with an activation link to the e-mail address provided, which you can click to conclude the amavat® Information Service agreement with binding effect.
  3. The amavat® Information Service is only intended for persons of legal age. Therefore, the service recipient can only conclude a contract with us if they are of legal age.
  4. The provision of the amavat® Information Service starts within 90 days from the confirmation of subscription to the newsletter.
  5. The amavat® Information Service agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.
  6. The amavat® Information Service agreement can be terminated by the service recipient or the service provider at any time. Termination of the agreement takes effect within 48 hours of acceptance of the termination.
  7. The service recipient can terminate the agreement by unsubscribing (each newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe, or by contacting us at info@amavat.eu).

4) Complaints procedure

  1. A complaint can be submitted in writing by e-mail to info@amavat.eu, by registered mail, or in person at the amavat® headquarters.
  2. The complaint must contain:
    1. First and last name of the complainant
    2. Contact details of the complainant
    3. Reason for the complaint
    4. Description of circumstances justifying the complaint
  3. We will consider the complaint immediately but no later than within 14 days from its receipt. In justified cases, the processing time of the complaint may be extended to 30 days, of which the complainant will be informed.

Final provisions

  1. Metadata is processed in accordance with the principles described in the amavat® Privacy Policy
  2. The information contained in amavat® Information Serviceletters does not constitute legal, tax, or management advice and does not replace individual advice. Although amavat® takes due care in the preparation of these publications, no liability is assumed for the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of the information provided. The contents do not constitute an independent basis for action and cannot replace specific advice in individual cases. Liability on the part of the authors or amavat® is excluded.
  3. The information provided is of a general nature and cannot be considered as legal advice. Legal advice should be sought before taking or failing to take any action.
  4. In order to comply with the legal obligation, amavat® informs about potential threats related to the use of electronically provided service, which may occur despite the security measures applied by amavat®, including, but not limited to: malicious software, spam, hacking the possibility of becoming a victim of cracking or phishing (receipt of messages requesting passwords, e.g., for "account verification" or other attempts to illegally obtain confidential data via e-mail and/or a website where the perpetrator impersonates amavat®). The service recipient can also minimize the risk of threats by using technical measures appropriate to this risk, including but not limited to: software updates, an activated firewall, antivirus programs, regular scanning of the computer with antivirus software, and use of legal software supported by the software manufacturer, reading installation windows, and general caution on the Internet.
  5. These General Terms and Conditions enter into force on 30 October 2023.
  6. The contract shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Poland and the courts shall be the common courts of the Republic of Poland, unless mandatory statutory provisions provide otherwise.

© This document is protected by copyright. The author, as the originator, holds the exclusive personal and proprietary copyrights. The document constitutes the "business secret" of the author within the meaning of the Unfair Competition Act. The author does not, authorize the disclosure, use, reproduction, distribution or sale of this document or any part thereof without his prior written consent. any sharing, use, reproduction, distribution, or resale of this document or its parts. Violation of the above conditions may result in liability, including criminal liability, as stipulated in the Act on Combating Unfair Competition, the Penal Code, and/or the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.