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amavat Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zwycięska 45
53-033 Wrocław
53-033 Wrocław
If your business no longer exists in a particular country or has likely ceased its commercial activities, it is advisable to initiate the VAT deregistration process to avoid potential fines or other consequences associated with non-compliance with tax obligations.
Upon registering for VAT purposes, an e-commerce enterprise is obligated to adhere to all regulations concerning VAT taxation and reporting deadlines. However, if the taxable e-commerce activity ceases in a given country or if the business has discontinued its commercial operations, the "VAT registration" can be canceled. This can take the form of deregistration or deactivation of the VAT number. It is important to note, however, that in many European countries, there is no option for "suspending the VAT number," and the only option is deregistration.
Some EU countries may have minimum registration periods, so even if the taxable activity has ceased, the enterprise may still be required to submit VAT declarations (zero declarations) until the expiration of this period. "VAT deregistration" will not be accepted by the tax authorities if VAT declarations have not been filed or if the tax authorities have questions or audits that have not been resolved.
Justification for VAT registration requires constant monitoring, as any changes in business activities may mean that registration is no longer necessary.
We offer assistance in determining when "VAT deregistration" is appropriate and will help submit an application to the tax office on your behalf to remove the e-commerce company from the VAT register. At the same time, we provide advice on how to ensure the recovery of the entire VAT paid by the enterprise in that country.
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