VAT Compliance

VAT settlements in Europe
for e-commerce

Your company is registered for VAT in Europe? Are you worried about the complexity of procedures and the need to file multiple forms in different languages?
We will settle your VAT and prepare VAT returns for you in each country where you are registered.

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Check out how we work

Your VAT returns in 3 easy steps

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Contact us

Let us know in which countries you need to settle your VAT and receive an offer prepared specifically for you.
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Sign the agreement

Sign the agreement

Read the terms and conditions that you will receive from us. Sign the agreement and send us the necessary information and documents.

Send us transaction data

Send us transaction data

Fill in the table of transactions received from us or provide us with data from your ERP system. A list of systems from which we can directly download data can be found.

VAT return

Fixed price service

Service price
NOT related to number
of transactions

No matter how much your company
grows - the cost of VAT settlement
will remain the same.

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Check benefits

With the VAT Compliance service you receive:

  • EU VAT settlements - calculation of VAT due for all countries;

  • Completion and submission of VAT returns on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis - according to local regulations and procedures;

  • Completion and submission of annual recapitulative VAT returns
    - in countries that require it;

  • EC Sales List (ESL/ECSL) reports - preparation and submition of mandatory monthly or quarterly sales lists for intra-EU stock transfers;

  • Preparation of mandatory SAF-T/JPK control files required by tax authorities;

  • Payment notifications - up-to-date information on when and how to pay the VAT due;

Our VAT Compliance service in the European Union covers all the obligations related to the correct settlement of VAT, including the preparation and submission of VAT returns with the required attachments - in the official language and in accordance with local regulations.

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That makes us special

We support your business:

  • Advice and support of an assigned account manager speaking your language throughout the whole contract duration;

  • Monthly analysis of sales results for all countries;

  • Basic maintenance of correspondence with the tax office and its European equivalents;

  • Constant and convenient access to all submitted VAT returns and reports via an online 24/7 Client Portal;

  • Archiving of all documentation produced, according to applicable regulations.

Fixed price service

No turnover volume
or transaction
number limits

No matter how much your company grows - the cost of VAT settlement will remain the same.

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Grow your business in Europe

Countries in which we register for VAT and submit VAT returns:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

Complex service

Regardless of which VAT Compliance packages you choose, you can also benefit from our additional services:

Submission of Intrastat declarations

If your company exceeds the legal thresholds for the import or export of goods between countries in the European Union, you are required to submit the necessary information to the Intrastat system.

Intrastat declarations are filed monthly with the relevant statistical office of each country for which export or import thresholds are exceeded.

As part of our Intrastat declaration service, we take care of all the formalities related to the preparation and submission of your declarations in the appropriate country-specific language and according to local administrative procedures.

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EORI registration in the UK

If you sell to the UK or import goods from the UK, you must register your business with the Economic Operator Registration and Identification System and obtain a so-called EORI number.

It will be required when submitting customs declarations and import and export summary declarations, as part of customs clearance in the UK. It is obtained from the relevant authorities of the HM Revenue & Customs.

Our specialists will take care of all the formalities and administrative procedures related to the preparation and submission of an application for an EORI number in the UK.

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Retrospective VAT reporting

If you sell in several countries, you may overlook the moment when you exceed the sales threshold for VAT registration in a given country.

In such a situation there is a risk of violation of tax regulations and prosecution by respective Tax Offices.

If you have mistakenly missed the moment when you were obliged to register for VAT - we will prepare the necessary back reporting for you, including registration documents and all overdue VAT returns in each country where it was required. We will also prepare a covering letter of explanation for the Authority if required.

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VAT corrections for previous tax periods

When selling a variety of goods in many countries, it can be challenging to account for VAT at the correct domestic tax rate for each product.

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is applying the wrong VAT rate.

However, whatever the mistake, we will prepare and submit for you the appropriate VAT corrections, explanations and covering letters in the relevant language - under local regulations and procedures.

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General Tax Advisory Services

Tax regulations present many challenges for online retailers. Some of these are due to the fact that the regulations have not kept up with modern technological developments and are not adapted to sales on a global market.

When operating in several countries it is also necessary to comply with all local regulations.

Our tax consultants across Europe specialize in helping companies in the e-commerce industry. If you need expert advice - we will gladly help you. We will provide all advice in your language, even if it involves regulations from other countries.

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Assistance during the tax audit process

Even if you have been reliably and correctly settling taxes for many years, your company may be selected for a tax audit by the tax authorities in the country where you sell.

For some entrepreneurs, such an audit is a very stressful and tedious process. During the audit, both current and archived tax documentation can be checked. Often additional summary settlements, reports or explanations are also required.

Carrying out your VAT settlements, we can take over from you the management of the entire procedure and prepare any necessary additional documents required by the controlling institution.

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Full correspondence management and arrangements with tax authorities

When running a business and settling taxes in a given country there may be a situation when the local tax authority will want to contact you - e.g. to provide you with important information, call for corrections or ask for additional explanations.

The letters you receive from the tax authorities are sometimes difficult to understand even if they are in your native language. If the letter comes from another country and is written in a language you don't speak - things get even more complicated.

Our tax experts can take over the handling of your correspondence with the tax authorities in all countries where we have settled your taxes. Thanks to our European tax advisors network your tax issues are resolved locally, based on country-specific regulations and without your involvement. Your account manager will keep you informed about the progress of your case in your native language.

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If your company exceeds the legal thresholds for the import or export of goods between countries in the European Union, you are required to submit the necessary information to the Intrastat system.

Intrastat declarations are filed monthly with the relevant statistical office of each country for which export or import thresholds are exceeded.

As part of our Intrastat declaration service, we take care of all the formalities related to the preparation and submission of your declarations in the appropriate country-specific language and according to local administrative procedures.

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If you sell to the UK or import goods from the UK, you must register your business with the Economic Operator Registration and Identification System and obtain a so-called EORI number.

It will be required when submitting customs declarations and import and export summary declarations, as part of customs clearance in the UK. It is obtained from the relevant authorities of the HM Revenue & Customs.

Our specialists will take care of all the formalities and administrative procedures related to the preparation and submission of an application for an EORI number in the UK.

Learn more about the service

If you sell in several countries, you may overlook the moment when you exceed the sales threshold for VAT registration in a given country.

In such a situation there is a risk of violation of tax regulations and prosecution by respective Tax Offices.

If you have mistakenly missed the moment when you were obliged to register for VAT - we will prepare the necessary back reporting for you, including registration documents and all overdue VAT returns in each country where it was required. We will also prepare a covering letter of explanation for the Authority if required.

Learn more about the service

When selling a variety of goods in many countries, it can be challenging to account for VAT at the correct domestic tax rate for each product.

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is applying the wrong VAT rate.

However, whatever the mistake, we will prepare and submit for you the appropriate VAT corrections, explanations and covering letters in the relevant language - under local regulations and procedures.

Learn more about the service

Tax regulations present many challenges for online retailers. Some of these are due to the fact that the regulations have not kept up with modern technological developments and are not adapted to sales on a global market.

When operating in several countries it is also necessary to comply with all local regulations.

Our tax consultants across Europe specialize in helping companies in the e-commerce industry. If you need expert advice - we will gladly help you. We will provide all advice in your language, even if it involves regulations from other countries.

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Even if you have been reliably and correctly settling taxes for many years, your company may be selected for a tax audit by the tax authorities in the country where you sell.

For some entrepreneurs, such an audit is a very stressful and tedious process. During the audit, both current and archived tax documentation can be checked. Often additional summary settlements, reports or explanations are also required.

Carrying out your VAT settlements, we can take over from you the management of the entire procedure and prepare any necessary additional documents required by the controlling institution.

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When running a business and settling taxes in a given country there may be a situation when the local tax authority will want to contact you - e.g. to provide you with important information, call for corrections or ask for additional explanations.

The letters you receive from the tax authorities are sometimes difficult to understand even if they are in your native language. If the letter comes from another country and is written in a language you don't speak - things get even more complicated.

Our tax experts can take over the handling of your correspondence with the tax authorities in all countries where we have settled your taxes. Thanks to our European tax advisors network your tax issues are resolved locally, based on country-specific regulations and without your involvement. Your account manager will keep you informed about the progress of your case in your native language.

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Who has to submit VAT returns?

Legal regulations

Who has to submit VAT returns?

Businesses that are registered for VAT in a given country are required to submit periodic VAT returns (usually monthly or quarterly) - even if they have not made any transactions during the reporting period.

Entrepreneurs selling online within the European Union are required to register for VAT in each country where they sell if:

  • They use a warehouse in that country to ship their products to end customers, or

  • They exceed the sales threshold of €10,000 (for all countries combined).

This is worth keeping in mind:

VAT returns summarize all transactions that are a subject to VAT in a specific country. If there are no transactions, a zero return is required.

VAT returns are slightly different in each country. They have different information requirements and reporting formats. However, regardless of the country, the VAT charged on sales must always be reported - depending on the type of transaction, its value and the local tax rate.

Accounting for VAT in different European countries requires familiarity with local tax regulations, specialized knowledge and appropriate language skills.

Gain one professional contact point

Multi-country service

Gain one professional contact point

As part of our VAT Compliance service, we will comprehensively handle all your VAT settlements, in any of the countries of your choice.

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We will do it for you

Other reporting obligations for e-commerce sellers

Grow with us

VAT registration service

Need to register for VAT in another country? With our VAT registration service, we'll take care of the entire process - from checking whether your business needs to register for VAT in each country, to providing you with a tax identification number (VAT).

Check the details of our VAT registration service
VAT registration service

Across Europe

Take advantage of our experts’ knowledge

At amavat® we work with partner tax offices from all the European countries we operate in. This means you no longer have to search for tax services in every country you sell in or deal with the time-consuming and complicated procedures of the local tax authorities yourself. You can entrust these processes to our VAT specialists who have the knowledge and many years of experience in serving e-commerce companies.

Ask for service
Take advantage of our experts’ knowledge

We can also help you with

We support the growth of your business

VAT registration in all EU Member States

VAT registration in all EU Member States

VAT registration in selected non-EU countries

VAT registration in selected non-EU countries

Registration and submission of OSS returns in Poland and Germany

Registration and submission of OSS returns in Poland and Germany

Settlement and submission of VAT returns according to local regulations

Settlement and submission of VAT returns according to local regulations

Intrastat reporting

Intrastat reporting

EORI registration

EORI registration

Change of company data at tax offices and tax authorities

Change of company data at tax offices and tax authorities

Other services, individually tailored to the needs of your company

Other services, individually tailored to the needs of your company

Due to their nature, companies working in international online sales are growing very fast. This involves entering new markets and increasing turnover. As a result, they may need to register for VAT and maintain regular settlements in other countries.

We also provide general tax advisory services through our selected partner firms and VAT representation (as required by local regulations).