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Product listing on Amazon: The key to higher sales

Product listing on Amazon: The key to higher sales

Date06 Sep 2024

Optimizing your product listing on Amazon is one of the most crucial elements that can determine the success of your sales on this platform. A well-prepared listing is the key to increasing product visibility, attracting customer attention, and converting visits into purchases. In this article, we will present the best practices for creating attractive and effective product descriptions, focusing on the selection of appropriate keywords and visual elements that attract customers.

What is an Amazon listing?

An Amazon listing is a detailed description of a product that customers see when they search for a specific item on the platform. This brief but crucial description determines whether a customer becomes interested in the product. A properly prepared listing is more than half the battle for sales success – it’s your business card that aims to attract attention and convince the customer to purchase.

Components of a listing

Creating a listing is a process that requires attention to every detail. An Amazon listing consists of several key elements:

  1. Title

    The title is the first element that catches the customer’s eye. It should contain key information about the product, such as the brand, model, and other important features. Amazon allows titles up to 200 characters, so it’s essential to choose words carefully. The title should be concise, specific, and avoid unnecessary words like “promotion” or “deal.”

  2. Key product features (Bullet points)

    Key product features should be listed in bullet points, not exceeding 250 characters each. Focus on the five most important features that distinguish the product and can convince the customer to buy. Each point should be short, concise, and highlight the benefits of using the product.

  3. Images

    Images are extremely important as they largely determine whether a customer decides to buy. Amazon requires high-quality images on a white background in JPEG, TIFF, or GIF format, with a resolution of at least 1000 x 1000 pixels. Images should show the product from different angles and in use.

  4. Product description

    The product description is where you can provide more detailed information about its features and benefits. It should be concise yet thorough and avoid typical advertising slogans. Focus on the product’s functionality and the benefits it brings to the user.

Listing optimization

Listing optimization involves tailoring the product description to Amazon’s guidelines and the potential customers’ needs. It includes several key steps:

  1. Language adaptation

    If you’re selling on an international platform like Amazon, the product description should be in English, but you can also prepare versions in other languages. This way, you reach a wider audience.

  2. Compliance with platform rules

    Before creating a listing, familiarize yourself with Amazon’s regulations. Violating the rules can result in account suspension, so make sure all listing elements comply with the guidelines.

  3. Keywords

    Selecting appropriate keywords is crucial for product visibility in Amazon’s search engine. Keywords should be well thought out and answer the questions potential customers might type into the search bar. Include them in the title, key features, and product description.

  4. Completeness of description

    The product description should be complete and detailed. Customers appreciate full information about the product, so fill in as many fields as possible regarding its features and parameters. Avoid empty advertising slogans and focus on specifics.

  5. Linguistic accuracy

    Before publishing the listing, check its linguistic accuracy. Spelling and grammatical errors can deter customers and reduce the product’s credibility.

  6. Product images

    Good images are the foundation of sales success on Amazon. They should be clear, well-lit, and comply with the platform’s guidelines. Invest in professional photographs that will stand out from the competition.

What keywords attract customers?

Keywords should be precise and address questions potential customers might ask. Focus on phrases related to the brand, model, functionalities, and benefits of using the product.

Examples of effective keywords:

  • Brand and model: “iPhone 15 Pro Max”, “Samsung Galaxy S24”
  • Product features: “wireless headphones”, “AMOLED screen”
  • Benefits: “long-lasting battery”, “fast charging”
  • Usage: “for athletes”, “for office work”

Visual elements that attract customers

Images are key to attracting customer attention. Besides high quality, ensure a variety of images showing the product in different situations and contexts. Lifestyle photos, showing the product in use, can be particularly effective.

Examples of good images:

  • Main images: clear product images on a white background
  • Usage images: showing how the product is used in daily life
  • Detail images: close-ups of key features and details
  • Packaging images: showing how the product is packaged


Optimizing product listings on Amazon is the key to higher sales. A well-prepared listing attracts customer attention, increases product visibility in the search engine, and translates into higher conversion rates. Remember to carefully choose keywords, use high-quality images, and comply with platform guidelines. By investing time and attention in creating an attractive and effective product description, you gain an edge over the competition and increase your chances of success on Amazon.

If you want to learn how to start selling on Amazon, we invite you to read our article.

Iga Turniak

Junior Process Management & QM Specialist at getsix®, Marketing Assistant at getsix® and amavat®. With the company since March 2022. Interested in SEO, content marketing, and the e-commerce industry.

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